Hai sempre desiderato provare il surf? Hai bisogno di più motivazione?
Abbiamo selezionato per te alcune delle migliori citazioni di ispirazione per il surf.
Puoi sicuramente usarli per pubblicare sui tuoi social network. Con loro attirerai sicuramente i tuoi follower.
Queste citazioni sul surf ti daranno sicuramente abbastanza ispirazione per tutti i tuoi sogni.
La nostra selezione di citazioni sul surf per ispirare la tua anima salata
1. “If in doubt, paddle out.”
Nat Young

2. “When the surfs up, your life is too”
Wilhelm Sverdvik

3. “If you’re having a bad day, catch a wave.”
Frosty Hesson

4. “The best surfer out there is the one having the most fun.”
Phil Edwards

5. “Live to surf, surf to live.”
Mike Doyle

6. “Surfing is a way to be free.”
Lisa Andersen

7. “There is not one right way to ride a wave.”
Jamie O’Brien

8. “Surfing is attitude dancing.”
Gerry Lopez

9. “Surfing is the most blissful experience you can have on this planet, a taste of heaven.”
John McCarthy

10. “The best wave of your life is still out there.”
Steve Hawk

11. “Some people travel to surf, but lots of times I feel like I surf so I can travel.”
Chris Malloy

12. “It’s like the mafia. Once you’re in – your in. There’s no getting out.”
Kelly Slater

13. “One of the greatest things about the sport of surfing is that you need only three things: your body, a surf-board, and a wave.”
Naima Green

14. “You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf.”
John Kabat-Zinn

15. “Surfing for me is more than my lifestyle; it’s my passion, my love, and it’s a part of me.”
Bethany Hamilton

16. “Out of the water, I am nothing.”
Duke Kahanamoku

17. “It’s all about where your mind’s at.”
Kelly Slater

18. “Surfing is almost a way to fly.”
Jeff Hakman

19. “Home is where the waves are.”

20. “Work to surf, surf to work!”
Andrew Cotton

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