This Itinerary is the perfect way to see all of what Tamraght and the area offer if you want to get the most from your trip. To optimize this itinerary change the days around to fit according to the weather of that week, also things might change a bit based on the package you’ve chosen at Tiziri.
Day 0: Land in Agadir, head to Tamraght, and have a relaxing sleep at Tiziri
Day 1: Surf Day
- wake up and have the delicious provided breakfast at 8:30
- 9:30-12:30 (ish) get in the van and head to the beach and have your first 3 hr lesson of the week
- Lunch (provided by the camp or bought on your own, this is a great time to have your first of many tagines)
- 2:00-4:00 (ish) is time for free surf/swim. With your newly learned surf skills, this is the time to practice, the instructors will give some tips and tricks as they watch
- Get back to Tiziri: this time before dinner is perfect for a nap after a day in the sun or to chill on the rooftop
- 7:30 Dinner: depending on the package you will either be having one of the delicious dinners made at the camp or you can head to one of the many restaurants in Tamraght (check the “where to eat blog post”)
Day 2: Surf Day
- Repeat day 1
Day 3: Paradise valley or Surf Day
Depending on the conditions of the surf or the weather it might mean today’s a perfect day for an excursion
- 8:30: Breakfast as usual
- Around 10:00, get in the van and head to paradise valley
- As your guide from Tiziri will probably explain, paradise valley has been in a drought for the last few years but it is still stunning, as you hike along the valley you may stumble upon some water deep enough to do some cliff jumping. The freshwater feels great after a couple of days in the saltwater.
- Afternoon: Head to the beach for some tanning, chill on the rooftop or have a little cat nap back at the camp.
- Dinner: same as day 1
- Repeat Day 1
Day 4: Surf day + Hamman
- Repeat day 1
- After a long day of surfing, a traditional Hamman (spa) experience is exactly what you need. Tiziri will book this for you to maintain your stress-free trip.
Day 5: Surf day + Taghazout
- Repeat day 1
- Dinner: All surf or yoga packages include a planned evening out, I suggest using this time to head to the neighboring village of Taghazout (a 15-minute drive). Taghazout is filled with super adorable oceanfront restaurants, the incredible views mixed with the incredible prices make this a must-see while you’re here.
- Going for drinks: Taghazout has a few bars that close at 11 or 12, so depending on your preferences you might want to check out some nightlife after your dinner.
- P.S. the Taghazout has a really cool skate park, It’s worth seeing even if you don’t skate (it’s a must if you do).
Day 6: Surf or Sandboard day
Day six is dependent on a few things; energy level, how much you’ve fallen in love with the waves, and, weather/ surf conditions, so you could either:
- Repeat day 1
- Go sandboarding: this is a super fun excursion and leads to lifelong memories and is a great way to replace a surf day if the conditions of the waves aren’t excellent.
- Dinner: same as day one
Day 7: Agadir
- 8:30: breakfast
- 9:30: head to Agadir, this will either be because you have a flight to catch right away or I suggest booking your flight out of Agadir for the late afternoon or evening so that you can visit the souk
- Souk: it is the largest market in the region and has anything you could possibly need, this also may be your last chance to have an authentic tagine.
- Head Home