Seznam za pakiranje vašega prvega (naslednjega) surfanja v surf hišo!

Some of you are wondering what to take on your first (or even not entirely [...]

English: Solo travel

Have you always wanted to go to a certain destination or try a new hobby? [...]

Kaj pričakovati od prvega tečaja surfanja?

The opening of borders is getting closer and closer, as is the planning of the [...]

Kaj početi doma?

The vast majority of us are now quarantined, with no work commitments. How many days [...]

Top 5 pesmi, ki jih je treba poslušati pred surfanjem

We’ve made our selection of the top 5 songs we love to listen to on [...]

Best Surf Movies

So here is the list of surf movies you can watch on Netflix: Okay, that’s [...]