This is a list of things that I have found to be a must-have when visiting Morocco. Many of the items if forgotten are available in the shops but if you have them it makes your trip much more stress-free.

- Sun protection
The sun here is no joke, and proper protection is super important. For those of us with lighter skin, a whole trip can be riddled with pain after just a few hours in the sun without protection. I would suggest a hat and preferably one with a brim that goes all the way around to protect the back of your neck. On my first day here I forgot to bring my hat to the beach and immediately burnt my scalp, for the next week I was scratching flaky skin out of my hair. Of course, sunscreen is a must, and don’t forget to reapply. This next one is one you may not think of but really comes in handy and that is a zinc stick. They are great for your face when you’re planning a long day on the waves and even the locals usually have some on in the water (you can purchase this at Tiziri). Last but not least, Sunglasses.
- Sandals
As soon as I landed, I swore by my sandals like my life depended on them. If you’re planning on doing lots of walking I would recommend a good sturdy pair like Tevas but having even just some flip flops is a great idea because you don’t realize how hot the sand can get, as someone whose feet haven’t toughened up to barefoot walking, sandals are a must on the hot sand.
- Sim Card
These are available at the airport as soon as you land and in Agadir. If you’re traveling on a budget don’t worry because plenty of data (10gigs) was only 49 dirham. Having data has made my life so easy with google translate, maps, and currency conversions.
- Swimsuits, Swimsuits, Swimsuits
Now not everyone is going to be as uptight about this as I am (especially men) but I recommend a minimum of two swimsuits and here’s why; you will be surfing every day and no one wants to put on a damp swimsuit from yesterday. Secondly, I recommend bringing a pair of shorts (men) that will comfortably fit under the wetsuit because it’s pretty tight and if your trucks are baggy and loose it might feel awkward so you might want a beach-suit as well as a surf-suit. Ladies here’s what I brought and would highly recomend: one suit for tanning (a bit reviling and not very supportive), one suit for activities which I feel very supported and comfortable in, and a third suit that’s a bit of a combo of both that’s good for when the others are wet.
- Beach Bag
As I’ve been observing the surf lessons I way too often see people coming to the beach with no bag. It doesn’t need to be anything fancy, it’s probably better if it’s not but you just need something that you’re comfortable with getting sandy and can hold your clothes, sunscreen, some money, and potentially a book, some snacks, or a portable charger. I just feel like your day on the beach will be much more comfortable if you have everything you’ll need.
These next items are bonus things that you don’t necessarily need but I have found are nice to have:
- Good book
- Portable charger
- Cash and Coins
- Microfiber towel
- Water bottle
- Simple flowy sundress
- Linen button-up shirt